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News type: Alumni

Former Fellow Karla Pollmann Appointed Dean of Arts at the University of Bristol

Professor Dr. Karla Pollmann (Individual NIAS Fellow 2003/4 and Theme-group leader 2008/09) has been offered the position of Professor of Classics and Dean of Arts at the University of Bristol, a...

In Memoriam: Henk Wesseling (1937 – 2018)

On 18 August 2018, Henk Wesseling (6 August 1937 - 18 August 2018) passed away at the age of 81. Henk Wesseling was Rector of NIAS from 1995 until 2002. Wim Blockmans, Wesseling's successor as Rector, remembers his sharp insight, tongue-in-cheek humour, didactical talent, global network and cultured bonhomie.

Book Prize for Kathryn Woolard

Kathryn Woolard, Research Professor of Anthropology at the University of California and NIAS Fellow in 2013/14, is awarded the Sapir Book Prize for the publication she wrote at NIAS. "Singular and Plural: Ideologies of Linguistic Authority in 21st Century Catalonia" offers an account of issues around language and national identity behind the current controversial Catalan independence movement.

Jaroslav Rudiš awarded Preis der Literaturhäuser

Writer-in-residence Jaroslav Rudiš is awarded the prestigious Preis der Literaturhäuser 2018 for his exceptional and multidisciplinary contribution to German literature. He will receive this prize during the Book Fair in Leipzig on 15 March.

Fellows Receive Prestigious ERC Consolidator Grants

Three NIAS fellows, Catarina Dutilh Novaes (2016/17), Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk (2017/18) and Marco Tamietto (2017/18) have been awarded highly competitive European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grants. The grant of €2 million allows scholars to build and consolidate their own research team.

Looking Back: NIAS Alumni Day

On 12 October 2017, reminiscence filled the rooms of NIAS during the Alumni Day. The event welcomed former and current fellows who participated in an afternoon lunch, followed by a guided tour of the building, a ‘speed-dating’ section, and a lecture by Professor Theo Mulder.