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News type: Alumni

Alumni Jonathan Israel and Beatrice de Graaf hold Spaarnelezing on Enlightenment

During the biannual Spaarne Lecture on 17 November 2021 in the Grote of St. Bavokerk Haarlem, Jonathan Israel and Beatrice de Graaf, both NIAS alumni, discussed the theme of Enlightenment.

Looking Back on an Alumni Stay

Former fellows Susanne M. Klausen and Sebnem Yardimci-Geyikci returned to NIAS in the Summer of 2021 as part of the Alumni Stay Programme, to pick up their research and their friendship.

Former Rector Paul Emmelkamp Interviewed

Professor of Psychology Paul Emmelkamp tells about his personal background and career in an interview carried out as part of the Oral History Project by the Archive for Dutch Behavioral History.

Sushil Chaudhury Passed Away

Prof. Sushil Chaudhury, University of Calcutta, a NIAS Fellow in 1990/91, passed away after a brief illness in January 2019. He was with his family in Kolkata, India. Throughout the last three de...

Career Update Theo D’haen

Theo D'haen, Fellow in 1999, is now Emeritus Professor of English & Comparative Literature, Leuven University and Emeritus Professor of English & American Literature, Leiden University.

Karla Pollmann Awarded Humboldt Research Prize

Professor Dr. Karla Pollmann, Individual Fellow 2003/4, Theme Group Leader 2008/9, currently Executive Dean of Arts and Professor of Classics and Theology at the University of Bristol, UK, was in...

Career Update Hans-Peter Blossfeld

Hans-Peter Blossfeld retired in 2020 and was appointed Emeritus of Excellence of the Graduate Centre Trimberg Research Academy (TRAc) at the University Bamberg.

Elijah Taiwo Appointed as Judge

Elijah Taiwo Adewale, Professor of Law from the University of Ibadan and NIAS Fellow in 2011/12, has been appointed as a High Court Judge in Oyo State, Nigeria. He was appointed by the Nigerian N...

John Berry Elected to Royal Society of Canada

John Berry, Professor of Psychology at Queen's University and NIAS Fellow in 1974/75, was elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.

Annick De Houwer Director of Harmonious Bilingualism Network

Annick De Houwer was a NIAS Fellow in 1995/96 (sharing a scholarship with Pieter Muysken, sadly recently deceased) and was part of the steering committee for the NIAS Dutch-Hungarian Language Con...

Pieter Muysken (1950-2021)

It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Pieter Muysken, Professor of Linguistics, who passed away on 6 April 2020.

Four Fellows Receive Dutch Vidi Research Grant

Current fellows Lisa Becking (marine biology) and Anar Ahmadov (political science) are awarded a VIDI grant by the Dutch Research Council. Former fellows Michiel van Elk (neuropsychologist, 2019/20) and Tazuko van Berkel (classicist, 2011/12) are also recipients of this national grant.

Jan Strelau (1931-2020)

Jan Strelau, a NIAS Fellow twice (1983 en 1992), sadly passed away on the 3rd of August, 2020.

ERC Starting Grants for Kristine Krause and Matthew Hoye

The European Research Council (ERC) has this year awarded Starting Grants to Matthew Hoye and Kirstine Krause, who both worked on their proposals during their fellowship.

The Importance of Comparing Decolonization Wars

In 2019, NIAS hosted an international theme group that compared different decolonization wars, coming to a better understanding of why many led to extreme violence. Their findings are now published in the latest BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, the leading academic journal for the history of the Netherlands, Belgium and their global presence. "The common denominator between all these decolonization wars is the deliberate lack of political accountability and the resulting institutionalized impunity."

Nobel Prize for Literature for Alumna Olga Tokarczuk

The Nobel Prize in Literature 2018 was awarded to Polish writer Olga Tokarczuk "for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life." Olga Tokarczuk was writer-in-residence at NIAS in 2009.

Apply Now for a Summer Alumni Stay

Former fellows who would like to return to NIAS and live and work at the institute in the center of Amsterdam, can now apply for an Alumni Stay.

Bells for America

Diederik Oostdijk's publication "Bells for America: The Cold War, Modernism, and the Netherlands Carillon in Arlington" has just been published. It was presented in Arlington, Virginia during an official event marking the start of the restoration of the bells on 21 October. Oostdijk is Professor of English Literature at VU Amsterdam and worked on this book as a NIAS Fellow in 2014/15.

Alumni Rosalind Brown-Grant and Mario Damen Receive Grant from Arts & Humanities Research Council

Former fellows Rosalind Brown-Grant (University of Leeds) and Mario Damen (University of Amsterdam) received an AHRC Research Networking Grant for their project titled 'The joust as performance: Pas d’armes and Late Medieval chivalry'. The project aims at stimulating and expanding co-operation between researchers in different European and American universities, museums, and research institutions working on chivalric urban culture in general and on tournaments and pas d’armes in particular. The grant proposal was written at NIAS.

Alumnus Jan Papy Wins Science Communication Prize

Former fellow Jan Papy (2008/09), Professor of Latin Literature & Neo-Latin Studies from the KU Leuven, was awarded the Year Price 2018 for Science Communication. With this prize, the Royal B...