In his research, Wilson explores the complex relationship between AI and synthetic biology using experimental film, speculative documentaries and future fiction. He envisions a future in which these disciplines are seamlessly intertwined and may even merge into a singular field. Wilson’s work sparks philosophical discussions and raises awareness about the symbiotic nature of AI and synthetic biology.
“The development of AI relied on the biological sciences’ insights into neural networks, algorithmic modeling of evolution and the learning processes of organisms. Now AI helps understand the complexity of life and genomes and is already helping to design synthetic biological entities. Synthetic biology and filmmaking share a common lexicon, pointing to an underlying, shared logic. Think of words like sequence, cut, splice and edit. Digital image processing and computer vision research have been important research areas for the development of AI. AI is already integrated into cameras and editing software, transforming every aspect of the cinematic device. Film has always been a space to explore futures,” Wilson said.
About Matthew C. Wilson
Matthew C. Wilson is an American artist, filmmaker and researcher based in the Netherlands. His interdisciplinary approach combines research-based, site-specific and methodologically eclectic methods to explore the intertwining of natural processes and historical forces. Wilson earned a Master of Fine Arts in Visual Arts from Columbia University.
About the Artist in Residence Fellowship
The Artist in Residence Fellowship at NIAS is an initiative of the Akademie van Kunsten and the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS) and is awarded annually to a project that promotes synergy between art and science.