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Znepolski, B.I.

Znepolski, B.I.

Boyan Znepolski, born in Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1968. Ph.D. from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Visiting Grant Scholar (1 April 2004 – 30 June 2004)


During the three months I spent as a Visiting Grant Scholar at NIAS, I succeeded in finishing my book Hermeneutical paradigms – Dilthey, Gadamer, Habermas, Ricoeur that will be published in autumn 2004. I also wrote a separate article based on one of the book’s chapters, “Subjectivity after Metaphysics”, which was published in June 2004. Additionally, I wrote the first version of a text, “Action theory in question: creativity of action”, that will be delivered at a conference in two foreign universities and is included as a chapter in my habilitation work. Moreover, I collected data from books and articles in different fields of the social theory that will help me not only to deepen my research in the sphere of social action but also to enrich my teaching as I prepare a special course on the processes of rationalization, democratization and civilization of modern societies. The progress of my research would not have been possible without the co-operation and help of the NIAS staff, the perfect library services, the stimulating human and scientific contacts with an international and interdisciplinary academic community and finally, the beautiful and extremely tranquil environment which is still another reason which makes me consider my fellowship as a multiple benefit fellowship.