Wojciech Wróblewski, born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1956. Ph.D. from Warsaw University. Senior Researcher at the Department of Early Mediaeval Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, Warsaw University.
Visiting Grant Scholar (1 September 2002 – 30 November 2002)
During my three-month scholarship at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (September-November 2002) I worked on my project, “The relative chronology of the south-eastern Baltic zone during the Viking Age”.
The most important result of my work at NIAS was being able to collect archaeological data (e.g. variables; for example: artefacts, tombs, burial customs etc.) that I can use to construct ‘matrixes of correlation’ – the main statistical tool, necessary for creating the phases of the relative chronology. Furthermore, I could continue my library studies at Wassenaar on the issue of trade and trade routes in Early Mediaeval Europe: starting from the Frisian port of trade in Dorestad up to Bukchara and Samarkanda (nowadays Turkmenistan).
My project resulted in a paper entitled, “Das ‘verlorene’ Gräberfeld von Anduln, Memelgebiet (derzeit Ėgliškiai-Anduliai, West-Litauen). Ein Wiedergewinnungsversuch” (co-authors: Anna Bitner-Wróblewska from State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw, Poland and Audronė Bliujienė from National Museum in Vilnius, Lithuania) which will be published in the next volume of Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica in Berlin in the autumn of 2003.