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Jan Wolenski

Woleński, J.W.

Jan Woleński, born in Radom, Poland, in 1940. Ph.D. from the Jagiellonian University, Cracow. Professor of Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University, Cracow.

Fellow (1 September 2003 – 30 June 2004)


During my stay at NIAS, I mainly worked on a book “Semantics, Truth and Realism” of which I wrote about 250 pages (five chapters). The book is intended as an extensive study of the concept of truth from a logical and semantic point of view as well as the relation of the problem of truth to other philosophical questions, in particular, the controversy over realism. This book will also contain an extensive (four chapters) history of the concept of truth since ancient Greek philosophy to the twentieth century. This project will be continued in 2004 and 2005; the book is contracted by Kluwer Academic Publishers. I also finished a book in Polish about the limits of unbelief, devoted to a philosophical defence of agnosticism. This work will be published during the course of this year. Moreover, I wrote ten papers in English and five papers in Polish plus nine smaller pieces (reports, obituaries, newspaper articles). All mentioned writings are to be published in 2004 or 2005. I actively participated in seven international conferences and workshops, and delivered six invited lectures in the Netherlands and France.