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Woldring, H.E.S.

Woldring, H.E.S.

Henk Woldring, born in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, in 1943. Ph.D. from the VU University, Amsterdam. Professor of Political Philosophy at the VU University, Amsterdam.

Fellow (1 September 1999 – 30 June 2000)

My research plan consisted of two projects:

The Relevance of Communitarian Thought in the Constitutional States;

The Relevance of Denominational Education for Social Cohesion of the Constitutional State. During my stay at the NIAS I finished the first project: several papers for international conferences were rewritten and combined to an coherent manuscript: State and Civil Society. This book will be published by Coutinho in Bussum. Concerning the second project, I wrote four papers, one on freedom and three on social cohesion (two papers have already been published). Both in the manuscript State and Civil Society and in the papers I imply a communitarian methodological approach. In confrontation with politico-philosophical ideas of Aristotle, Cicero and Thomas Aquinas I discuss contemporary liberal philosophers and some communitarians like Jacques Maritain and Philip Selznick.