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Wistrich, R.S.

Wistrich, R.S.

Robert Wistrich, born in Lenger, Kazakhstan, in 1945. Ph.D. from the University of London. Professor of European History at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Fellow (1 February 2000 – 30 June 2000)

I completed my reading of all the sources required for the writing of my planned book on “The Historical Meaning of the Dreyfus Affair” which I hope to complete in the coming year.

I examined about 2000 pages of documents relating to the role of the Vatican during the Holocaust, as part of my work in a Historical Commission dealing with this subject and submitted a detailed interim report based on my initial findings.

I wrote a number of articles and gave some lectures on the subject of the European Union, Austria and the Haider Phenomenon.

I completed the editing and wrote the introduction to a forthcoming book, entitled “Nietzsche: Godfather of Fascism? ” (co-edited by myself and Jacob Golomb) to be published by Princeton University Press towards the end of 2000.