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Winter, M. de

Micha de Winter, born in Oss, the Netherlands, in 1951. Ph.D. from Tilburg University. Faculty Professor of Education and Society at Utrecht University.

Fellow (1 February 2010 – 30 June 2010)


During my term at NIAS, I carried out three main theoretical studies necessary for my planned book on “citizenship education in a globalising world”. Each of these studies has resulted in a draft chapter of the book. Drafts of the other three chapters had already been written prior to my arrival at NIAS, and were finished during the first few weeks. This means that I will still have to write an introduction and some concluding remarks. I expect the book to be presented in December 2010. The provisional (translated) title is: “Upbringing and two concepts of liberty: education in a globalising world”.

The three new theoretical studies I produced while at NIAS were the following.

1. ‘Evil’ as an educational problem: hate, dehumanising and the education for the opposite

2. Politics as super nanny: bringing up children, youth policy and Isaiah Berlin’s two kinds of freedom

3. The end of spasmodic child-rearing: towards a vital socialising civil society