Richard Whitley, born in Halifax, UK, in 1944. M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Professor of Organisational Sociology at the Manchester Business School, University of Manchester.

Fellow (1 February 1999 – 30 June 1999)

During my five months at NIAS I was able to complete a paper for a conference in July, draft another for a conference in June and revise a third for a presentation in the Netherlands and the U.S. I have also become more familiar with the literature on innovations, both through reading and conversations with colleagues in the Innovation Group.

These conversations have additionally improved my understanding of alternative approaches to the study of innovation processes in different market economies and institutional contexts. The most concrete result of these discussions will be a special issue of the leading journal Organization Studies on the Institutions and Innovations, which I am guest editing. The contributions to this issue will all come from members of the Innovation Group at NIAS.