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Wesseling, H.L.

Wesseling, H.L.

Henk Wesseling, born in The Hague, the Netherlands, in 1937. Ph.D. from Leiden University. Professor Emeritus of Contemporary History at Leiden University and Former Rector of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (1995-2002).

Honorary Fellow (1 September 2008 – 30 June 2009)


During my year at NIAS, I finished my book “Een vredelievend volk”, that was published by Bert Bakker, Amsterdam in June 2009. I also wrote a number of articles that are now in press and continued my work on the book Scheffer-Renan-Psichari. I was also involved in the preparations of the French and Swedish translations of my book “Europa’s koloniale eeuw” which were published as “Les Empires coloniaux européens, 1815 – 1919” (Gallimard; Paris 2009) and “Imperiernas tid, 1815 – 1919” (Historiska Media; Lund 2009).