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Werdmölder, J.T.W.A.

Hans Werdmölder, born in Venlo, the Netherlands, in 1951, Ph.D. from VU University, Amsterdam. Senior Researcher at Utrecht University and senior lecturer at Avans Hogeschool

Visitor (1 February 2011 – 30 June 2011)

Persistence and desistance among criminal Moroccan and Dutch men under the age of 50

My initial research on forty Moroccan and Dutch criminals started in 1982. I returned to the subject in 1988 and used this earlier research as a basis for my 1990 dissertation. Some 20 years later, I started a new research project with the same people to try to understand the process of persistent offending and desistance from crime over people’s lifetimes. I was interested in their adult careers. Were these men still criminal? Had their criminal and marginal careers ended up in stable employment, marriage and children? Were there any major turning points in their lives? In the past two years I have been engaged in finding the men, interviewing them and organising additional research. During my period at NIAS, I intend to write a book about my findings.

Hans Werdmölder, Marokkaanse lieverdjes. Crimineel en hinderlijk gedrag onder Marokkaanse jongeren (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Balans, 2005; vierde druk, 2010).

Hans Werdmölder, “Hinderlijk en anti-sociaal gedrag van jeugdige Marokkanen”, in Maarten van Craen (ed.) Meer kleur op straat. Diversiteit en veiligheid in België en Nederland (Brugge: Uitgeverij Vanden Broele, 2010).

Hans Werdmölder, ““Moroccan Delinquent Boys in Dutch Society”, in Y. Iram (ed.), Educating Toward a Culture of Peace (Greenwichn Connecticut: Information Age Publishing, 2006).

Watch a documentary on the Moroccan Delinquent Boys in Dutch Society with Hans Werdmölder @EenVandaag:

30 March 2011


31 March 2011