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Vree, F.P.I.M. van

Vree, F.P.I.M. van

Frank van Vree, born in Cuijk en Sint Agatha, the Netherlands, in 1954. Ph.D. from Leiden University. Assistant Professor of Cultural History and Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam.

Fellow (1 September 1994 – 30 June 1995)

During my fellowship I have been working in two fields of research mainly: the history of Dutch Concepts, and the representation of Auschwitz and the Second World War. Contrary to my initial plans the study of the changing images of the German Occupation of the Netherlands and the representation of Auschwitz developed into my main activity. Working on two articles during the first months of my stay, I realized that after five years I had finally found a way of dealing with the issue. This has resulted in a book, In de schaduw van Auschwitz. Herinneringen, beelden, geschiedenis (“In the shadow of Auschwitz. Memories, images, history”), that will be published in the fall of 1995.

As a member of the nucleus “The History of Dutch Concepts”, I took part in group activities, particularly as co-editor of the international reader “Conceptual History – Comparative Perspectives”, that will be published in 1996.