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Verschuren, P.J.M.

Verschuren, P.J.M.

Piet Verschuren, born in ‘s Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, in 1944. Ph.D. from Tilburg University. Professor of Research Methodology at Radboud University Nijmegen.

Fellow (1 September 2007 – 30 June 2008)


At NIAS, I finished a book entitled “Probleemanalyse in Organisatie- en Beleidsonderzoek”. (Problem Analysis in Organizational and Policy Research). (Amsterdam: Boom, July 2008). I also completed the first draft of two other books. (1) “Praktijkgericht Onderzoek; Ontwerp van Organisatie- en Beleidsonderzoek”. (Practice-oriented Research; Designing Organizational and Policy Research). (2) “Praktijkgericht Onderzoek; Strategieën voor Organisatie- en Beleidsonderzoek”. (Practice-oriented Research; Strategies for Organizational and Policy Research). Both will be published by Boom Publishers in 2009.

In addition, together with my two colleagues Prof. Hon and Prof. Berger, I am preparing a paper on the concept of error in the natural and social sciences. The three of us also wrote an application for a Lorentz fellowship in 2009/2010. With three colleagues, Dr. van Ditmarsch, Prof. Berger and Prof. Schipper, I am preparing another article answering the question how to use the programme Publish or Perish for analysis of citations of scholars.