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Vale, M.G.A.

Vale, M.G.A.

Malcolm Vale, born in Romford, UK, in 1942. Ph.D. from the University of Oxford. Fellow and Tutor in Medieval History at St. John’s College, University of Oxford.

Fellow (1 September 1997 – 30 June 1998)

During my ten months at NIAS I was able to complete a considerable portion of a book on “Courts and Culture. The Royal and Princely Court in north-west Europe, 1270-1380”. This has been commissioned by Oxford University Press. It represents the results of a long-term research project, previously supported (for two years) by the Leverhulme Trust. The first part of my NIAS year was spent preparing the material for publication, and the rest was devoted to writing up the project.

I also benefited greatly from both the inter-library loan service at NIAS and its relative proximity to the Royal Library in The Hague to complete my research and check references.