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Uhlenberg, P.R.

Uhlenberg, P.R.

Peter Uhlenberg, born in Glendale, California, USA, in 1942. Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Fellow (1 September 2002 – 30 June 2003)

My intention for the year at NIAS was to examine more carefully the mechanisms by which social institutions and policies produce age segregation, and to explore the consequences of this for individuals and society. The NIAS environment allowed me time to read, think, and discuss issues with colleagues to an extent that would have been impossible if not freed from obligations at my home university. I made substantial progress on my research agenda, and feel intellectually refreshed. I expect to realise benefits from being at NIAS over the next several years. While at NIAS, I completed three papers related to age segregation. One completed paper is a chapter on age integration for The Encyclopaedia of Community, and the other two are articles under review in journals. In addition, I have begun work on another paper and have made progress on writing a book on age segregation.