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Tulviste, Tiia

Tulviste, Tiia

NIAS Fellow

Family Socialization Patterns in Changing Developmental Contexts

Research Question

I will seek answers to the following questions: 1) to what extent are self-confidence, self-expression and autonomy valued and encouraged in child-rearing by Estonian parents today, 2) how directive vs. autonomy supportive are mothers, 3) have Estonian children become more active and equal conservational partners to their parents than they were in the 1990s?

Project Description

My main research interest is the nature and extent of change in family socialization patterns in a changing developmental context, and its impact on child development. The new questionnaire data and video-recorded family conversations will be compared with our previously collected data, paying special attention to how children’s autonomy and interdependence are expressed and supported by mothers, and how actively children participate in such conversations

Selected Publications

1) Tulviste, T., Tõugu, P., Keller, H., Schröder, L., De Geer, B. (2016). Children’s and mothers’ contribution to joint reminiscing in different sociocultural contexts: who speaks and what is said. Infant and Child Development, 25(1), 43-63.
2) Tulviste, T., Mizera, L., & De Geer, B. (2012). Socialization values in stable and changing societies: A comparative study of Estonian, Swedish, and Russian Estonian mothers. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(3) 480–497.
3) Tulviste, T., Kall, K., & Rämmer, A. (2017). Value priorities of younger and older adults in seven European countries. Social Indicators Research, 133(3), 931-942.

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