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Touwen, J.

Touwen, J.

Jeroen Touwen, born in Groningen, the Netherlands, in 1964. Ph.D. from Leiden University. Assistant Professor in Economic and Social History at Leiden University.

Fellow (1 February 2011 – 30 June 2011)

Coordination Challenged: the impact of coordination in the Netherlands on economic growth in an international perspective, 1945-2000

At NIAS I intend to finish a monograph on the effects of institutionalized consultation in the Dutch economy during the second half of the twentieth century. In the international comparison of capitalist systems, the taxonomy of Varieties of Capitalism calls attention to the impressive economic performance of ‘Coordinated Market Economies’. The post-war Dutch economy is exemplary for neo-corporatist coordination. How constant was ‘coordination’ in the Netherlands and which effects did it have on economic development? How different was Dutch coordination from its counterpart in other coordinated OECD countries?

L.J. Touwen, “Varieties of Capitalism and Institutional Change in New Zealand, Sweden and the Netherlands in the 1980s and 1990s”, in: Henrik Egbert and Clemens Esser (eds.), 2010, Aspects in Varieties of Capitalism: Dynamics, Economic Crisis, New Players. INFER Series in Applied Economics, Volume 3 (Saarbruecken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010) 171-202.

L.J. Touwen, “How does a coordinated market economy evolve? Effects of policy learning in the Netherlands in the 1980s”, Labor History 49: 4 (2008) 439-464.

L.J. Touwen, Extremes in the archipelago. Trade and econo­mic development in the Outer Islands of Indonesia, 1900-1942 (Leiden: KITLV Press, 2001).
