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Taylor, Philip

Taylor, Philip


Philip Taylor, born in Gainsborough, United Kingdom, 1964. Ph.D. from Cranfield University. Professor of Human Resource Management at Federation University Australia.

Theme Group Fellow (WITHDRAWN)

Translating Knowledge for Practice: Building an Evidence Base for Good Age Management

Research Question

This research is concerned with providing a solid basis for the development of public and organisational policy concerned with older workers.

Project Description

This project will improve knowledge and understanding of how to achieve active ageing via participation in paid work. It responds directly to the problems of attitude and behaviour change in workplaces by distilling existing knowledge as well as creating new knowledge that can inform public and organisational policy aimed at the formulation of workplace strategies for the promotion of good practice in workplace age management.

Selected Publications

1) Earl, C. and Taylor, P., 2015, Is workplace flexibility good policy? Evaluating the efficacy of age management strategies for older women workers, Work, Aging and Retirement, doi: 10.1093/workar/wau012.

2) Taylor, P., McLoughlin, C., Meyer, D. & Brooke, E. (2013) ‘Everyday discrimination in the workplace, job satisfaction and psychological wellbeing: age differences and moderating variables’, Ageing and Society, 33(7), 1105–1138.

3) Taylor, P., McLoughlin, C., Di Biase, T., Brooke, E. & Steinberg, M. (2013) ‘Managing older workers during a period of tight labour supply’, Ageing and Society, 33(Special Issue 01), 16-43.

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