Tiiu Paas, born in Tomsk, Estonia, in 1949. Ph.D. from the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn. Professor of Economics at the University of Tartu.
During my stay at NIAS, I prepared and developed the following research papers: “Gravity Approach for Modelling International Trade Flows” (accepted for the Nordic Econometric Meeting in Uppsala 6-7 May, 1999); “Investment Climate and Economic Behaviour of Estonian Firms Under the Condition of Foreign Direct Investments” (presented for review to the Journal of Transforming Economies and Societies and “Competition Policy and Foreign Supplier Network in Estonia”, presented at the workshop Multinational Firms and Vertical Restraints in Eastern Europe, and EU Enlargement in Florence, organised by John Hopkins University Bologna Center (JHUBC), 24-25 April, 1999. Special attention was given to modelling and analysing international trade patterns of Estonia as a country with a small, open and comparatively successful economy in transition and as one of the leading candidates for admittance into the European Union.