Aleksander Surdej, born in Cmolas, Poland, in 1961. Ph.D. from Jagiellonian University, Cracow. Assistant Professor of Political Science at Cracow University of Economics.
The TRIS programme offered me an opportunity to pursue my research project in a stimulating intellectual environment with comfortable living conditions. Listening and presenting my papers during the lecture series allowed me to discover the variety of interests of my colleagues and their academic skills in public performance. Yet, the broad spectrum of disciplines imposed an
informatory format on the lectures, hence their unavoidable generic character. During my stay I visited Leiden University, the University of Amsterdam and EIM Research Institute in Zoetermeer. In all these places I met people who were keen to help me and I hope these contacts will be maintained also in the future. NIAS offered me a first-class research opportunity for which I am grateful. Two months, however, is too short for larger research projects. It was sufficient time to draft and discuss articles and collect materials.