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Sułkowska, M.

Sułkowska, M.

Mariola Sułkowska, born in Bielsko-Biała, Poland, in 1972. Ph.D. from the University of Silesia, Katowice. Professor of Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics of New Media at the University of Silesia, Katowice.

Visiting Grant Scholar (1 February 2007 – 30 April 2007)


During my three-month stay at NIAS, I worked on two projects: I did a research on recently started study of phenomenon of aesthetisation and I wrote an article “Globalization as Hybridization: a Transversal Body”. Phenomenon of aesthetisation is the main topic of my post-doctoral dissertation to be published as a book. At NIAS I especially focused on contemporary art from about the second half of 20th century particularly kitsch because of its new ‘artistic’ status. I studied, for example, the works of Erwin Olaf, a world-famous Dutch artist whom I compared with the well-known and popular kitsch artist – Jeff Koons. I mostly collected and materials (books, art catalogues, articles) for further analysis. The work will lead to an article which I will deliver in an abridged version at the international conference “Philosophy in the Face of Globalization”.