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Stroomer, H.J.

Stroomer, H.J.

Harry Stroomer, born in Alkmaar, the Netherlands, in 1946. Ph.D. from Leiden University. Professor of Afroasiatic Languages of Arabia and Ethiopia at Leiden University.

Fellow (1 September 2010 – 30 June 2011)


Tashelhiyt Berber (Tas+lh=iyt or Tasusiyt) is spoken in South Morocco, i.e. in the High Atlas, the Sous plains, Agadir and the Anti-Atlas by approximately 8 to 10 million Moroccans (Morocco has 32 million inhabitants). There is no adequate dictionary at present, my project tries to fill in this gap.

I came to the NIAS with a plan to finalize the Tashelhiyt Berber-French dictionary, for which I had collected materials over 23 years. These Berber lexical materials and the French meanings needed a revision and correction in order to make them ready for publication. All entries are now ready for publication. With a two-colums page lay-out I expect a dictionary of 900 to 1200 pages.

Thanks to NIAS Staff the dictionary project was granted a SURF Foundation award for the encouragement of Enhanced Publications. I made an agreement for a follow-up about depositing the digital data at DANS.

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