Ineke Sluiter, born in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 1959. Ph.D. from VU University Amsterdam. Professor of Greek at Leiden University.

Fellow (1 February 2012 – 30 June 2012)


During the NIAS stay of the research theme group “Mass Communication in Classical Antiquity”, I completed the collection of materials on Rumor and Gossip in Classical Antiquity and worked on a number of other projects, including writing a chapter in and co-editing the volume of Aesthetic Value in Classical Antiquity, and co-designing and co-authoring two major research agendas for the Humanities, one in collaboration with the Humanities scholars in Leiden, the other a research agenda for the National Research School in Classical Studies, OIKOS. The total amount of work done probably exceeds what I had expected to accomplish here. The NIAS setting and the presence of the team facilitated the organization of the two workshops we organized and made the interaction with fellows from different disciplines possible. In particular, my research on rumor and gossip benefited from discussion with a cognitive linguist, a social psychologist, and an evolutionary biologist who happened to be at NIAS.

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