Karl Krister Segerberg, born in Skövde, Sweden, in 1936. Ph.D. from Stanford University. Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Uppsala.

Fellow (1 September 2006 – 31 January 2007)


My research interests are the dynamic doxastic logic (a way of studying the theory of belief change) and dynamic deontic logic (a way of studying the theory of actions and norms). During my time at NIAS I completed one paper, drafted one, and outlined a couple of other papers. The main advantage of being at NIAS was that it brought me into closer contact with colleagues in The Netherlands, something I hope will result in joint papers in the future. A feature of NIAS that should not to be underestimated is the opportunity for informal contact with fellow fellows and colleagues from a wide range of disciplines. This certainly contributed to, what is perhaps the dominant feeling or experience, of being at NIAS: a strong sense of being energized.