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Schmid, G.

Günther Schmid, born in Konstanz, Germany, in 1942. Ph.D. from the Freie Universität Berlin. Professor of Political Economy at Freie Universität Berlin and Director of Research at Wissenschaftzcentrum Berlin.

Fellow (1 September 1990 – 30 June 1991)

While at the NIAS, I prepared several chapters for a forthcoming book entitled Labour Market Regimes. Choices of Equality and Efficiency. In the book I intend to prove the existence of different effective models of complementary relationships (instead of the alleged “big tradeoff”) between equality and efficiency, both in theory (starting from John Rawls and Arthur Okun) and practice (concentrating on the comparative analysis of the “models” Sweden, United States, and Germany, and adding other cross-national evidences).