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Schiller, N.O.

Schiller, N.O.

Niels Schiller, born in Flensburg, Germany, in 1969. Ph.D. from Radboud University Nijmegen. Professor of Psycho- and Neurolinguistics at Leiden University.

Fellow (1 September 2010 – 30 June 2011)


My main project at NIAS was to conceptualize and start writing a student textbook on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language. I finished writing a detailed proposal for such a project including new ideas I obtained thanks to interaction with other NIAS Fellows. This proposal has been submitted to Cambridge University Press (CUP) and reviewed by a number of independent experts in the field. Reviewers saw merit in my proposal and supported the need for such a textbook. Moreover, together with Dr. Greig de Zubicaray from the University of Queensland at Brisbane, Australia, I wrote a proposal for a “Handbook on Neurolinguistics” to be published at Oxford University Press (OUP).

Apart from these major projects, I worked on a number of scientific articles submitted to international peer-reviewed journals in my field. Many of these articles have been accepted in the meantime or are even in press or were published.

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