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Sashalmi, E.

Sashalmi, E.

Endre Sashalmi, born in Székesfehérvár, Hungary, in 1964. Ph.D. from the Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen. Reader at the Department of Medieval and Early Modern History at Janus Pannonius University, Pécs.

Magyar Fellow (1 February 2000 – 30 June 2000)

During my five-month stay at NIAS I was able to write the first part of my book entitled “Ideology of Power and State-building in Russia in European Perspective 1450-1725” and made considerable progress with the second part of it. This would have been impossible without the marvellous library service which gave me an access to the most recent publications including the vital journals in my field and the other facilities provided by the Institute.

In addition I delivered a lecture in Brussels, “How different is Russia’s History?”, organised by Vesalius College, and wrote two conference papers related to the book I was working on: “Some Remarks on the Typology of Official Petrine Political Ideology” and “Contract Theory and the Westernisation of Russian Ideology of Power under Peter the Great”.

The first one I presented in Budapest at an International Conference. It will be published in 2001 in the proceedings of this conference. The other paper will be presented at the World Congress on Central and East European Studies in Tampere.