Jitka Rychtarˇíková, born in Zrucˇnad Sázavou, now the Czech Republic, in 1949. Ph.D. from Charles University, Prague. Associate Professor of Demography at Charles University, Prague.
During my staying at NIAS I visited the Population Research Centre at the University of Groningen. I discussed topics such as, the possibilities of an application of log linear models in demography, the outlines of event history analysis, recent demographic developments in Eastern Europe, particularly in Russia, the issue of Brass relational models for population forecasting processing and analysing data from FFS (Family Fertility Survey), and the feto-infant approaches with Professors Frans J. Willekens and Sergei Scherbov, amongst others. I also made many visits to NIDI (The Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute) where I met Professor Jenny Gierveld. A new collaboration with NIDI has been established: in the first place with Ewa Tabeau on mortality issues – collaborative work on a pilot study on Regional Inequalities according to Sex-Age-Cause profiles among regions within the Netherlands, Poland and the Czech Republic. Other research contacts were made with Leo van Wissen on regional analysis of demographic phenomena and with Gijs Beets on family formation and fertility approaches. With Professor Dirk van de Kaa I discussed the issues of the Second Demographic transition in Eastern Europe.