Luc H.M. Reydams, born in Mol, Belgium, in 1961. J.S.D. from University of Notre Dame. Associate Professional Specialist at University of Notre Dame and Professor of Law at John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.
Fellow (1 September 2012 – 30 June 2013)
Between Heaven and Earth: an Anatomy of the International Human Rights Movement
Bound by a common and hitherto nearly unassailable discourse, the international human rights movement ascended at the turn of the 21th century. The first line of inquiry considers the history and evolution of transnational human rights activism, from ad hoc campaigns in late 18th century to the emergence of a social movement in the mid-1970s and its ascendancy thirty years later; the second compares the human rights movement with other transnational social movements; the third line of inquiry investigates the movement’s relationship with these other social movements, with states and intergovernmental organizations, and with the market; the fourth examines the impact of ‘rights talk’ and activism on the political realm; the final inquiry is a political economy analysis of the contemporary human rights movement.
Selected Publications
International Prosecutors (co-edited with Jan Wouters and Cedric Ryngaert) (Oxford University Press) (May 2012)
Global Activism Reader (edited volume) (Continuum Publishing) (2011)
Universal Jurisdiction: International and Municipal Legal Perspectives (Oxford University Press) (2003)