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Reinhard, W.K.W.

Reinhard, W.K.W.

Wolfgang Reinhard, born in Pforzheim, Germany, in 1937. Ph.D. and Habilitation from Universität Freiburg. Professor Emeritus of Modern History at Universität Augsburg and Universität Freiburg.

Guest of the Rector (1 September 2004 – 30 November 2004)


My report can be comparatively brief because thanks to NIAS I was able to complete the work I initially planned to do. As the editor of volume 3 Empire Formation and Maritime Interaction 1350-1750 of the New History of the World edited by Jürgen Osterhammel and Akira Iriye, I wrote a draft version of my own contribution to volume 3 on “Europe and the Atlantic World 1350-1750”. In addition, I produced four short essays on cultural interaction between the West and Continental Eurasia, the Muslim World, India and the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, Maritime East Asia and the Pacific which will serve as basis for a common text written together with the respective contributors. “Europe and the Atlantic World 1350-1750” consists of 141 single-spaced pages including notes plus a tentative bibliography of 14 pages. I have also begun to select possible maps and illustrations. My essays on cultural interaction consist of a total of 30 single-spaced pages.