Michael Potegal, born in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA, in 1943. Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. Associate Professor in Pediatric Clinical Neuroscience at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
Golestan Fellow (1 September 2011 – 31 January 2012)
The main focus of my Golestan Fellowship at NIAS was to work on a university-level textbook entitled “Aggression: An Integrated Biosocial Text”. I learned a great deal that was relevant to the book, particularly for the chapters on war and on genocide, from conversations with many Fellows and from a review session on the war chapter. Overall, I made substantial progress on the book which is about half completed and I am now hoping to finish it by the end of 2012 with publication in 2013. I was also able to complete and revise 3 papers on anger and aggression which are in press or in review. An unexpected benefit of the Fellowship was establishing other collaborations and projects, most notably planning of a study on dominance behaviour in psychopaths with Dutch Fellow Arnaud Arntz and his colleague Jill Lobbestael at the Clinical Psychological Science Deptartment of Maastricht University.