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Posthumus Meyes, G.H.M.

Posthumus Meyes, G.H.M.

Hans Posthumus Meyjes, born in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 1927. Ph.D. from Leiden University. Professor Emeritus of Church History at Leiden University. († 2008)

Fellow (1 September 1993 – 30 June 1994)

I spent the academic year 1993/94 at NIAS as a member of the “Toleration-group”. A couple of times the group met in general sessions, where the results of our research were presented and discussed. Besides a paper on “Irénisme et Tolérance” prepared for the colloquium, I achieved during this year the goal I had set at the beginning: the preparation of a commented edition of Jean Hotman’s Syllabus of irenical literature.