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Pilgoun, A.

Pilgoun, A.

Andrei Pilgoun, born in 1960, in Sverdlovsk, Russia. Ph.D from the Institute for Theatre, Music and Cinematography, St. Petersburg. Research Fellow at the Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Mainz.

Visiting Grant Scholar (1 September 2001 – 30 November 2001)

The main text of my future publication with the working title in English “Representing the medieval cosmos” is now available in Russian. I am in the process of editing this text. I made considerable progress in arranging and writing commentaries on the images to be reproduced in my publication. A full bibliography for my book has been checked with electronic catalogues on the Web and is now complete. I have also made considerable progress with building up a database of images located for my project in manuscript collections worldwide. My database of illustrations from medieval manuscripts has been enlarged with new sources from the Royal Library of The Hague and the Royal Library of Copenhagen, and other collections. This collection of digital images has been arranged systematically and is now conveniently available for detailed analysis and demonstration as a slide-show. I have collected important information for my work at the University of Utrecht library using a copy of Index of Christian Art in Princeton and Patrologia Latina Database. I have consulted with medievalists in the Netherlands doing research in related areas. I was invited to give lectures in Amsterdam and Utrecht next spring.