Frank Peeters, born in Wilrijk, Belgium, in 1954. Ph.D. from the University of Antwerp. Professor of Dutch at the University of Antwerp.

VNC Fellow (1 September 1994 – 30 June 1995

During my one-year stay as a VNC-Fellow at NIAS, the following projects were either fully realized or started:

Co-editing of Een theatergeschiedenis der Nederlanden and contributing four articles to this comprehensive history of the Flemish and Dutch theatre. My contributions all relate to 19th and early 20th Flemish theatre history. The book will be published by Amsterdam University Press in 1996.

Co-editing of “Bij Open Doek: Liber Amicorum Prof.dr. C. Tindemans” together with a contribution on Prof. Tindemans as a theatre historian (p.115-125) and compiling a selective bibli¬ography of Prof. Tindemans’ writings (p.289-300). The book will be published by Pelckmans Publishers (Kapellen, Belgium) in September 1995.

Writing two contributions for the “Nieuwe Encyclopedie van de Vlaamse Beweging” on “Jan Oscar de Gruyter” and “Joris Diels”, to be published by Lannoo Publishers (Tielt, Belgium) in 1997.

Writing a draft for the chapter “Theatre Iconography: tradi¬tions, trends and techniques” in “Iconography and the Perfor¬ming Arts: Theory and Practice” (Thomas Heck, ed.).

Attending the conference “Presenting the Past” (London University College, December 1994) and presenting a paper “The Concept of Nationality in 19th Century Flemish Discourse” to be published in Dutch Crossing.

Attending the IFTR-Conference “Actor, Actress on Stage” (UQAM, Montreal, May 1995) convening the Working-Group on theatrehistoriography and presenting a paper “Ideology Embo¬died: 19th Century Acting on the Flemish Stage”.

Co-organizing the NIAS-Symposium on Theatre Iconography (June 1995) and presenting a paper “Iconography of the Theatre vs. Iconography for the Theatre”.

Starting (together with R. Erenstein and R. Van Gaal) the journal “Scenarium: Nieuwe Reeks”, a yearly scholarly publicati¬on on theatre history published by Amsterdam University Press. First issue on “Nationalism and National Feelings in Dutch and Flemish Theatre” (1997).