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Peels, S.

Peels, S.

Saskia Peels, born in Dordrecht, the Netherlands, in 1982. M.A. from Utrecht University. Ph.D.-student in Ancient History at Utrecht University.

Junior Fellow (1 February 2012 – 30 June 2012)


During my term at NIAS, I have written the definitive version of the larger part of my doctoral dissertation on the semantics and usage of religious evaluation in classical Greek literature, Evaluating Piety in 5th century Greece: A semantic study of the Greek term ὅσιος and closely related terms, which I now plan to submit during the summer and will rework for publication in book form in the autumn. In addition, I presented my work at our Theme Group meeting, participated in two conferences at Leiden University, worked on a book review, and did research for a new article on the religious discourse surrounding minority cults in classical Greece. Discussions with other fellows have resulted in plans for a new cooperation and in ideas for future lines of research, which I will develop further in the autumn in the form of written grant proposals.