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Orlow, D.

Orlow, D.

Dietrich Orlow, born in Hamburg, Germany, in 1937. Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Professor of History at Boston University.

Fellow (1 September 1993 – 30 June 1994)

Before coming to NIAS I had three goals for my NIAS project, “A Comparative History of Social Democracy in the Netherlands, France, and Germany, 1945-1969”: completing most of the needed research in primary and secondary sources (including, especially, working with the relevant archival materials of the Dutch PvdA), developing a detailed chapter outline for the monograph, and starting to write the first draft. I have been very pleased with the progress I have been able to make in reaching these goals in the course of my fellowship year at NIAS. I have finished my work with the archival sources for the Dutch part of the topic, developed a detailed chapter outline for the entire book, and begun writing the manuscript.