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Orlow, D.

Orlow, D.

Dietrich Orlow, born in Hamburg, Germany, in 1937. Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Professor of Modern European History at Boston University.

Fellow (1 September 2001 – 30 June 2002)

During my year at NIAS I completed the research for and thoroughly revised the ms. for a monograph that has the working title, “Unequal Siblings: Relations Between the Nazis and Dutch and French Fascists, 1933-1939”. Since I had completed most of the archival research before coming to NIAS, I was able to spend the bulk of my time in Wassenaar evaluating and incorporating the large quantity of literature that has appeared since I completed a first draft of the ms. some ten years ago. In addition, I was able to complete some necessary archival research in the NSB-Archief at NIOD in Amsterdam. In the course of revising the ms., I found the contribution of two other Fellows, Bruno De Wever and Wichert ten Have, extremely helpful. Numerous conversations with them enabled me to make a more sophisticated evaluation of the relevant literature and helped to sharpen the conceptualization of my own work. At this time the ms. for my proposed monograph is, with the exception of the Introduction and Conclusion, almost complete.