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Oostrom, F.P.

Oostrom, F.P.

Frits van Oostrom, born in Utrecht, the Netherlands, in 1953. Ph.D. from Utrecht University. University Professor for the Humanities at Utrecht University and (as of May 2005) President of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Fellow (1 September 2004 – 30 June 2005)


In this final report of my third stay at NIAS I can happily state that for the third time I have succeeded in finishing the book I set out to write. After producing Het woord van eer (1987) during my NIAS Fellowship in 1986/87 and Maerlants wereld (1996) during my 1994/95 Fellowship, I wrote Stemmen op schrift. Nederlandse literatuurgeschiedenis van het begin tot 1300 this past year at NIAS. If all goes well, I hope to hand the book over to the publisher (Bert Bakker/Prometheus) on the 5 September. Stemmen op schrift has over 500 pages.