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Oosterman, J.B.

Oosterman, J.B.

Johan Oosterman, born in Veendam, the Netherlands, in 1962. Ph.D. from Leiden University. Research Fellow at Leiden University and the University of Antwerp.

VNC Fellow (1 September 1997 – 30 June 1998)

In addition, I wrote some reviews, and I finished an edition of De Roovere’s poems which is yet to be published.

During the time I spent at NIAS I made substantial progress in the field of Dutch literature in Bruges during the fifteenth century. It is my aim to write a book on this subject in the next three years. At NIAS I did thorough research on the relations between Dutch writers and their French-speaking counterparts. Both in the field of poetics and historiography I made a comparison between the works of Anthonis de Roovere, the major author in Bruges during the fifteenth century, and Georges Chastelain, Jean Molinet and their contemporaries.

Furthermore I made an elaborate first draft of the book I plan to write. Although I tried to be in my office as often as possible, I retreated from NIAS to give lectures on the relations between Anthonis de Roovere and Charles the Bold, on the Chronicle of De Roovere compared with those of his French contemporaries, and on processions in Bruges during the fifteenth century.