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Miklaszewska, E.

Miklaszewska, E.

Ewa Miklaszewska, born in Cracow, Poland, in 1956. Ph.D. from Jagiellonian University, Cracow. Assistant Professor of Economics at Jagiellonian University, Cracow.

The TRIS Fellowship enabled me to update and organise my research project on the long-term consequences of deregulation and increased competition in the banking industry, which I am intending to publish as a book. I also prepared a paper which sums up part of my research concerning the regulatory response to changes brought about by increased competition and globalisation of financial markets. I worked in particular on recent developments in banking – growing concentration level and active mergers and acquisition market, particularly for the larg e institutions, analysing it as a strategic response to market developments. It is easier to co-operate than to compete, and this may be an important incentiv  for concentration in the financial industry. Hence I was dealing with issues concerning proper regulatory reaction, both on national and international level. Coming to NIAS I had also planned to learn more about the Dutch banking market. Here my results are mixed, as Dutch banks turned out to be less accessible than I had hoped, which confirms the thesis that markets which lack domestic competitive pressures are not very transparent. Overall, the excellent working conditions at NIAS enabled me to progress with my project and prepare my book for publication.