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Micha Hamel

Micha Hamel


Project title

‘Listening Atlas’: A Research on Listening

Research question

Can we train our ears and learn to listen better? And how can we use our music-listening skills to listen better to others?

Project description

Listening involves a daily tangle of reflexes, intentions and considerations for every human being, stemming from their upbringing, behaviour and cultural context. However, one cannot claim that listening makes you a better person nor that musicians are better people than non-musicians. Therefore, what is the essence of the relationship between ‘listening to music’ and ‘societal listening’? Could it be that the former favourably influences the latter?

Through a philosophical, empirical and artistic perspective, this project sets out to find plausible evidence for this argument through data collection on societal listening. This will be undertaken by engaging in dialogue with scientists working in different disciplines. The final product of this research will materialise in a book by the title ‘Luisteratlas‘ or ‘Listening Atlas’, to be published by Querido in 2022.

Selected publications

  • Hamel, Micha. Toen Het Moest (‘When It Had To Be’): Poëzie. Uitgeverij Augustus Atlas Contact, 2017.
  • Hamel, Micha, et al. Speelruimte: Voor Klassike Muziek in De 21ste Euw (‘Room for Classical Music in the 21st Century’). Codarts, 2016.
  • Hamel, Micha. Bewegend Doel: Gedichten (‘Moving Target’). Uitgeverij Augustus, 2014.