Theodore Marmor, born in New York City, New York, USA, in 1939. Ph.D. from Harvard University, Cambridge. Professor of Political Science and Public Policy and Management at the Yale School of Management, New Haven.
Fellow (1 September 1997 – 30 June 1998)
My semester at NIAS was one of considerable progress. By late October, I had finished a draft of a long chapter on AIDS, hemophilia, and contaminated blood. Similarly, I rewrote, submitted, and got accepted by The Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law the article entitled “Forecasting American Health Care: Paths and Futures”.
I wrote and got published in January l998 what turned out to be my NIAS Lecture: “Rhetoric and Reality in Managerial Reform in Health Care” in The Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. Two other pieces were completed by January: a review of Rothman’s Origins Matter in the New England Journal of Medicine and the final version of “Rethinking Medicare Reform”, which Health Affairs accepted and published. And, as another example of the results during this period, I finished the final version of “The Politics of Medical Care Re-form”, a chapter in a book which Routledge will publish under the editorship of Terry Sullivan and Daniel Dache in late l998.