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Malová, D.

Malová, D.

Darina Malová, born in Kremnica, Slovakia, in 1958. Ph.D. from the Academy of Social Science, Moscow. Assistant Professor of Political Science at Komenského University, Bratislava.

Mellon Fellow (1 February 1995 – 30 June 1995)

The Mellon Research Fellowship has had a significant impact on my research. During five months I finished several papers on political and social transformations in Slovakia. In addition I worked on my ‘habilitation’ dissertation and completed some publications which are required a ‘habilitation’ procedure. I was also invited to two conferences and three seminars. I think my stay at NIAS was very successful with respect to my research project, and moreover, I became familiar with a new field of research related to decision making and computer models. In the future I hope to extend my research in this direction.