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Legaré, A.M.

Legaré, A.M.

Anne-Marie Legaré, born in Montreal, Canada, in 1950. Ph.D. from the University of Montréal. Professor of Medieval Art History at Université – Charles – de – Gaulle de Lille 3.

Fellow (1 September 2006 – 30 June 2007)


I was able to work at the Royal Library of Den Haag and the Meermanno Museum which hold many illuminated manuscripts crucial to my study. I had regular scientific exchanges with Dr. Anne Korteweg, whose expertise and methodological approach were of great help in my research, and the results can be seen in the chapter of my book devoted to Hainaut Illumination before and during the time of Simon Marmion. I also worked and substantially developed two more chapters: The reconstruction of the work by the Master of the Tournai Evangeliary and The reconstruction of the work by the Master of the Ariana 1 in Geneva. As the Hapsburgs were a boon to Brabantine artists, the artists in Valenciennes and vicinity enjoyed the patronage of powerful aristocrats in the Burgundian court, for example, Antoine Rolin the Grand Bailli of Hainaut, Philippe de Clèves, Antoine and Charles de Lalaing, Gilles de Berlaymont, Pierre de Hennin lord of Boussu, Jean II d’Oettingen, Philippe de Veyré, Robert de Melun. My research on these owners and others progressed. I investigated more closely the reception of texts illuminated by the Master of Antoine Rolin in the Burgundian realm. One of the most important texts in this respect is the Poème des Échecs amoureux and it prose commentary the Livre des Échecs amoureux moralisés. I wrrote an article on this to appear in the journal Le Moyen âge which will be integrated in the monograph I am preparing on manuscript llumination.