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Lamberts, E.

Lambert, D.R.

David Lambert, born in London, UK, in 1968. D.Phil. from the University of Oxford. Research fellow at St. Andrews University.

Fellow (1 May 2009 – 30 June 2009)


During my fellowship at NIAS I completed a paper, “Salvian, Pliny’s Panegyricus, and the Gallic Panegyrics”, and delivered it at a workshop on Pliny the Younger in late antiquity. I also wrote an article, “Augustine’s Gallic Audience and the Early Reception of his Works” for publication in a multi-authored book on the early controversies surrounding Augustine’s ideas.

While at NIAS I was a member of the theme group “The Modern and Postmodern Augustine”, and worked with other members of the group on various aspects of the reception of Augustine. Following from this, I presented a paper on the reception of Augustine from 430 to 700 at the conference “The Fragility of Authority: The Reception of Augustine as a Case-Study in the History of Mentality”, held at NIAS from 19-21 June 2009.