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Kvart, I.

Kvart, I.

Igal Kvart, born in Jerusalem, Israel, in 1948. Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburg. Professor of Philosophy at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Fellow (1 September 2008 – 30 June 2009)


During my period at NIAS, I have made considerable progress in my work on Causation, which was the topic of my planned research. I have on the one hand further developed my theory of probabilistic causation, and on the other, have starting preparing a book manuscript on the subject. I have made considerable progress in advancing the theory of probabilistic causation in various directions, as well as in advancing the book manuscript. In terms of advancing the theory of probabilistic causation, the directions I am advancing include the analyses of causing; aspect causation (such as temporal and other modifiers); and the notion of a major cause. The result is an advanced book manuscript.

Submitted and revised papers:

“Mental Causation, Counterfactuals, and Context dependence” (under revision for Nous)

“Mental Causation: Exclusion, Mystery and Preemption, Productive Causes, and Contiguity” (under revision for Erkenntnis).