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Krause, Kristine

Krause, Kristine


Care in the City. Multiple articulations of health and healing

The book project Care in the city: Multiple articulations of health and healing looks at what is happening at the various intersections of multiple trajectories that make up the “throwntogetherness” (Doreen Massey) of city spaces. It extends the study of health and care beyond the clinic to spaces such as pubs, churches and shops. Thinking care from the throwntogetherness of city spaces and through concrete practices of cooking, shopping, praying, eating and washing allows to intervene in conversations on health inequality that have become stuck in taking groups, specific conditions or structurating forces for granted. In foregrounding practices, and how they are in itself ways of knowing,  the book will reconstruct different articulations of subjectivities such as being illegalized, sick overweight, or a Pentecostal Christian.

Selected Publications

1) 2018 Speaking from the blind spot: political subjectivity and articulations of disability. Critical African Studies. (open access: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21681392.2019.1610012 )


2) 2014 Space in Pentecostal healing practices among Ghanaian migrants in London, Medical Anthropology 33(1): 37–51.


3) 2015 Orientations: Moral Geographies in Transnational Ghanaian Pentecostal Networks. In S. Coleman & R.I.J. Hackett (Eds.) The Anthropology of Global Pentecostalism and Evangelicalism,96-119. New York: New York University Press.


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