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Kooi, C.J.

Kooi, C.J.

Christine Kooi, born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, in 1965. Ph.D. from Yale University, New Haven. Associate Professor at the Department of History at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.

Fellow (1 September 2003 – 31 January 2004)


During my stay as Fellow-in-Residence during the fall semester of 2003, I completed the drafts of two chapters (out of a total of six) of my book manuscript, entitled Heretics and Idolaters: Calvinists and Catholics in Holland’s Golden Age, 1572-1672. I also wrote an extended review essay of Willem Frijhoff, “Embodied Belief: Ten Essays on Dutch Religious Culture”, for the Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte at the request of my NIAS colleague Heinz Schilling. For the PALLAS interdisciplinary research group at the University of Leiden, I wrote an essay on the religious images of early modern Leiden for an essay collection on images of Leiden. In addition, I presented a total of four lectures on my research in the Netherlands: one lecture at the Centrum voor de Studie van de Gouden Eeuw at the University of Amsterdam, one at the Postdoctoraal Séminaire Cultuurgeschiedenis at the VU University of Amsterdam, one to the faculty of Theology at Leiden University, and a final paper to the PALLAS research group at Leiden University I also attended six workshops and seminars in the Netherlands during my stay at NIAS.