Konrad Koerner, born in Mlewiec, Poland, in 1939. Ph.D. from Simon Fraser University, Vancouver. Professor of General Linguistics at the University of Ottawa.
Fellow (1 September 2001 – 30 June 2001)
Although part of the direction of my research changed between the time of my fellowship application and my presentation of the research project to be conducted at NIAS during the academic year 2001/02, I believe that at least in terms of productivity I have been able to do more that I had anticipated. To be sure, this was in no small degree due to the excellent working environment provided at the Institute for which I will always remain especially grateful.
At least in my experience, NIAS has been a unique place to pursue one’s research without worries about daily life matters, while at the same time offering an intellectual climate that is particularly conducive to the scholarly exchange of ideas.
A month before my arrival in Wassenaar, I had received a contract from Tourledge of London for a book devoted to the History of American Linguistics, and since this was a book I had wished to write for some time, I decided to split my efforts in pursuing both the original research plan and the writing of the book about a subject which had engaged me since my days as a doctoral student in Canada during 1968-1971, although it had not been the main focus of my scholarly efforts since September 2001.
I have provided a full list of my writings during the past 10 months (together with samples) and an account of related activities in my more extensive progress report.